2024/12/05 18:34:58
RTM 采用统一入口的方式处理消息和事件通知,每一种消息和事件通知都有对应的事件处理程序入口,你可以在其中实现自己的业务处理逻辑:
// Handle message event
rtm.addEventListener("message", event => {
const channelType = event.channelType; // The channel type need to be "STREAM", "MESSAGE" or "USER".
const channelName = event.channelName; // The name of the channel that this message comes from.
const topic = event.topicName; // (Stream channel only) The name of the topic that this message comes from.
const messageType = event.messageType; // The message type need to be "STRING" or "BINARY".
const customType = event.customType; // User defined type.
const publisher = event.publisher; // Message publisher.
const message = event.message; // Message payload.
const timestamp = event.timestamp; // Event timestamp
// Handle presence event
rtm.addEventListener("presence", event => {
const action = event.eventType; // Which action it is ,should be one of 'SNAPSHOT'、'INTERVAL'、'JOIN'、'LEAVE'、'TIMEOUT、'STATE_CHANGED'、'OUT_OF_SERVICE'.
const channelType = event.channelType; // Which channel type it is, Should be "STREAM", "MESSAGE" or "USER".
const channelName = event.channelName; // Which channel does this event come from
const publisher = event.publisher; // Who trigger this event
const states = event.stateChanged; // User state payload, only for stateChanged event
const interval = event.interval; // Interval payload, only for interval event
const snapshot = event.snapshot; // Snapshot payload, only for snapshot event
const timestamp = event.timestamp; // Event timestamp
// Handle topic event
rtm.addEventListener("topic", event => {
const action = event.evenType; // Which action it is ,should be one of 'SNAPSHOT'、'JOIN'、'LEAVE'.
const channelName = event.channelName; // Which channel does this event come from
const publisher = event.userId; // Who trigger this event
const topicInfos = event.topicInfos; // Topic information payload
const totalTopics = event.totalTopics; // How many topics
const timestamp = event.timestamp; // Event timestamp
// Handle storage event
rtm.addEventListener("storage", event => {
const channelType = event.channelType; // Which channel type it is, Should be "STREAM", "MESSAGE" or "USER".
const channelName = event.channelName; // Which channel does this event come from
const publisher = event.publisher; // Who trigger this event
const storageType = event.storageType; // Which category the event is, should be 'USER'、'CHANNEL'
const action = event.eventType; // Which action it is ,should be one of "SNAPSHOT"、"SET"、"REMOVE"、"UPDATE" or "NONE"
const data = event.data; // 'USER_METADATA' or 'CHANNEL_METADATA' payload
const timestamp = event.timestamp; // Event timestamp
// Handle lock event
rtm.addEventListener("lock", event => {
const channelType = event.channelType; // Which channel type it is, Should be "STREAM", "MESSAGE" or "USER".
const channelName = event.channelName; // Which channel does this event come from
const publisher = event.publisher; // Who trigger this event
const action = event.evenType; // Which action it is ,should be one of 'SET'、'REMOVED'、'ACQUIRED'、'RELEASED'、'EXPIRED'、'SNAPSHOT'
const lockName = event.lockName; // Which lock it effect
const ttl = event.ttl; // The ttl of this lock
const snapshot = event.snapshot; // Snapshot payload
const owner = event.owner; // The owner of this lock
const timestamp = event.timestamp; // Event timestamp
// Handle connection state change event
rtm.addEventListener("status", event => {
const currentState = event.state; // Which connection state right now
const changeReason = event.reason; // Why trigger this event
const timestamp = event.timestamp; // Event timestamp
// Handle link state change event
rtm.addEventListener('linkState', event => {
const currentState = event.currentState;
const previousState = event.previousState;
const serviceType = event.serviceType;
const operation = event.operation;
const reason = event.reason;
const affectedChannels = event.affectedChannels;
const timestamp = event.timestamp;
const isResumed = event.isResumed;
// Handle token privilege will expire event
rtm.addEventListener("tokenPrivilegeWillExpire", (channelName) => {
const channelName = channelName; // Which Channel Token Will Expire
const messageReceived = (event) => {
const channelType = event.channelType; // Which channel type it is, Should be "STREAM", "MESSAGE" or "USER".
const channelName = event.channelName; // Which channel does this message come from
const topic = event.topicName; // Which Topic does this message come from, it is valid when the channelType is "STREAM".
const messageType = event.messageType; // Which message type it is, Should be "STRING" or "BINARY" .
const customType = event.customType; // User defined type
const publisher = event.publisher; // Message publisher
const message = event.message; // Message payload
const timestamp = event.timestamp; // Event timestamp
// Your business processing logic program
// Add Event Listener
rtm.addEventListener("message", messageReceived);
// Remove Event Listener
rtm.removeEventListener("message", messageReceived);
RTM 一共有 7 种类型事件,对应的有 7 种事件监听程序。你可以查看 API 参考的事件监听章节,了解每个事件监听程序传入参数的详细信息。
事件监听程序 | 描述 |
message | 接收所有订阅的 Message Channel 中的消息通知或你加入的所有 Stream Channel 中订阅的 Topic 消息通知。事件负载数据中包含频道名称、频道类型、Topic 名称、事件发送者、消息负载数据类型等信息。 |
presence | 接收所有订阅的 Message Channel 或者你加入的所有 Stream Channel 中远端用户的在线状态事件通知。事件负载数据中包含频道名称、频道类型、事件类型、事件发送者、用户临时状态数据等信息。 |
topic | 接收加入的所有 Stream Channel 中 Topic 变更事件通知。事件负载数据中包含频道名称、事件类型、Topic 名称、事件发送者(即 Topic 详情)等信息。 |
storage | 接收订阅的 Message Channel 及加入的 Stream Channel 中所有的 Channel Metadata 事件通知,以及所有订阅用户的 User Metadata 事件通知。事件负载数据中包含频道名称、频道类型、事件类型(即具体 Metadata 数据)等信息。 |
lock | 接收订阅的 Message Channel 及加入的 Stream Channel 中所有的 Lock 事件通知。事件负载数据中包含有频道名称、频道类型、事件类型、锁详情等信息。 |
linkState | 接收客户端网络连接状态变更的事件通知,包含变更前后的连接状态、服务类型、导致变更的操作类型、变更原因、频道列表等信息。 |
tokenPrivilegeWillExpire | 接收客户端 Token 将要过期的事件通知。 |
完成事件监听处理程序后,你可以通过订阅频道或 Topic 来接收指定的 Message Channel 或 Stream Channel 中的消息和事件通知了。详见订阅 Message Channel 和订阅 Topic。