本文将指导你如何利用 RTM Flutter SDK 构建简单的应用程序,内容涵盖了集成和开发的基础知识:开通声网账号、获取 SDK、发送消息、接收消息等。
1. 创建项目
打开终端或命令行,执行以下命令来创建一个新的 Flutter 项目:
Shell# 创建 Flutter 项目
flutter create getting_started -
使用的你的 IDE 工具打开项目,编辑
# 添加 RTM Flutter SDK 依赖项,请使用最新版本的 agora_rtm
agora_rtm: ^2.2.2信息如果你同时集成了 2.2.1 及以上版本的 RTM SDK 和 4.3.0 及以上版本的 RTC SDK,请参考 FAQ 处理集成问题。
Shellflutter pub get
文件,删除里面所有代码,并将以下代码复制进去,作为我们项目的模版文件Dartimport 'package:agora_rtm/agora_rtm.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'dart:convert';
void main() async {
WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); // 等待 Widgets 初始化完成。
// create rtm instance
// login rtm service
// subscribe to a channel
// publish messages
// unsubscribe frome a channel
// logout rtm service
(仅 iOS)在后续构建和发布 IPA 文件阶段,为避免因符号剥离而引发的问题,你还需要在 Xcode 中导航至 Target Runner > Build Settings > Strip Style,并将其设置为 Non-Global Symbols。
2. 创建并初始化 RTM
调用 RTM SDK 的任何 API 之前,需要先创建一个 RtmClient
对象实例。添加以下代码到 main.dart
文件中,注意:请将 your_appId
替换成你的 appId
和 userId
import 'package:agora_rtm/agora_rtm.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'dart:convert';
void main() async {
WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); // 等待 Widgets 初始化完成。
const userId = 'your_userId';
const appId = 'your_appId';
const channelName = 'getting-started';
late RtmClient rtmClient;
//create rtm instance
try {
// create rtm client
final (status, client) = await RTM( appId, userId);
if (status.error == true) {
print('${status.operation} failed due to ${status.reason}, error code: ${status.errorCode}');
} else {
rtmClient = client;
print('Initialize success!');
// add events listner
} catch (e) {
print('Initialize falid!:${e}');
3. 添加事件监听
// Paste the following code snippet below "add event listener" comment
// add message event handler
message: (event) {
print('recieved a message from channel: ${event.channelName}, channel type : ${event.channelType}');
print('message content: ${utf8.decode(event.message!)}, custome type: ${event.customType}');
// add link state event handler
linkState: (event) {
print('link state changed from ${event.previousState} to ${event.currentState}');
print('reason: ${event.reason}, due to operation ${event.operation}');
4. 登录服务
你需要执行登录操作才能建立与 RTM 服务器的连接,然后才能调用 SDK 的其他 API。将以下代码添加到程序中:
// Paste the following code snippet below "login rtm service" comment
try {
// login rtm service
var (status,response) = await rtmClient.login(appId);
if (status.error == true) {
print('${status.operation} failed due to ${status.reason}, error code: ${status.errorCode}');
} else {
print('login RTM success!');
} catch (e) {
print('Failed to login: $e');
你需要在登录时传入 Token。在测试阶段,为快速验证功能,我们建议你在创建声网项目时将鉴权模式设置为调试模式,然后在登录时只需传入项目的 App ID。
5. 收发消息
调用 publish
方法向 Message Channel 发送消息后,RTM 会把该消息分发给该频道的所有订阅者,以下代码演示如何发送字符串类型的消息,将此代码片段添加到程序中:
你需要先对消息负载进行字符串序列化,才能调用 publish
// Paste the following code snippet below "Publish a message" comment
// Send a message every second for 100 seconds
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
try {
var (status, response) = await rtmClient.publish(
'message number : $i',
channelType: RtmChannelType.message,
customType: 'PlainText'
if (status.error == true ){
print('${status.operation} failed, errorCode: ${status.errorCode}, due to ${status.reason}');
} else {
print('${status.operation} success! message number:$i');
} catch (e) {
print('Failed to publish message: $e');
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
调用 subscribe
// Paste the following code snippet below "subscribe to a channel" comment
try {
// subscribe to 'getting-started' channel
var (status,response) = await rtmClient.subscribe(channelName);
if (status.error == true) {
print('${status.operation} failed due to ${status.reason}, error code: ${status.errorCode}');
} else {
print('subscribe channel: ${channelName} success!');
} catch (e) {
print('Failed to subscribe channel: $e');
如果你不再需要在此频道收发消息,你可以调用 unsubscribe
// Paste the following code snippet below "unsubscribe frome a channel" comment
try {
// unsubscribe channel
var (status,response) = await rtmClient.unsubscribe(channelName);
if (status.error == true) {
print('${status.operation} failed due to ${status.reason}, error code: ${status.errorCode}');
} else {
print('unsubscribe success!');
} catch (e) {
print('something went wrong with logout: $e');
6. 登出服务
当不再需要使用 RTM 服务时,你可以调用 logout
方法登出 RTM 系统。将以下代码添加到程序中:
// Paste the following code snippet below "logout rtm service" comment
try {
// logout rtm service
var (status,response) = await rtmClient.logout();
if (status.error == true) {
print('${status.operation} failed due to ${status.reason}, error code: ${status.errorCode}');
} else {
print('logout RTM success!');
} catch (e) {
print('something went wrong with logout: $e');
本操作会影响你账单中的 PCU 计费项。
7. 组合到一起
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:agora_rtm/agora_rtm.dart';
import 'dart:convert';
void main() async {
const userId = 'your_userId';
const appId = 'your_appId';
const channelName = 'getting-started';
late RtmClient rtmClient;
//create rtm instance
try {
// create rtm client
final (status, client) = await RTM( appId, userId);
if (status.error == true) {
print('${status.operation} failed due to ${status.reason}, error code: ${status.errorCode}');
} else {
rtmClient = client;
print('Initialize success!');
// add events listner
// add message event handler
message: (event) {
print('recieved a message from channel: ${event.channelName}, channel type : ${event.channelType}');
print('message content: ${utf8.decode(event.message!)}, custome type: ${event.customType}');
// add link state event handler
linkState: (event) {
print('link state changed from ${event.previousState} to ${event.currentState}');
print('reason: ${event.reason}, due to operation ${event.operation}');
} catch (e) {
print('Initialize falid!:${e}');
// login rtm service
try {
// login rtm service
var (status,response) = await rtmClient.login(appId);
if (status.error == true) {
print('${status.operation} failed due to ${status.reason}, error code: ${status.errorCode}');
} else {
print('login RTM success!');
} catch (e) {
print('Failed to login: $e');
// subscribe to a channel
try {
// subscribe to 'getting-started' channel
var (status,response) = await rtmClient.subscribe(channelName);
if (status.error == true) {
print('${status.operation} failed due to ${status.reason}, error code: ${status.errorCode}');
} else {
print('subscribe channel: ${channelName} success!');
} catch (e) {
print('Failed to subscribe channel: $e');
// publish messages
// Send a message every second for 100 seconds
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
try {
var (status, response) = await rtmClient.publish(
'message number : $i',
channelType: RtmChannelType.message,
customType: 'PlainText'
if (status.error == true ){
print('${status.operation} failed, errorCode: ${status.errorCode}, due to ${status.reason}');
} else {
print('${status.operation} success! message number:$i');
} catch (e) {
print('Failed to publish message: $e');
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
// unsubscribe frome a channel
try {
// unsubscribe channel
var (status,response) = await rtmClient.unsubscribe(channelName);
if (status.error == true) {
print('${status.operation} failed due to ${status.reason}, error code: ${status.errorCode}');
} else {
print('unsubscribe success!');
} catch (e) {
print('something went wrong with logout: $e');
// logout rtm service
try {
// logout rtm service
var (status,response) = await rtmClient.logout();
if (status.error == true) {
print('${status.operation} failed due to ${status.reason}, error code: ${status.errorCode}');
} else {
print('logout RTM success!');
} catch (e) {
print('something went wrong with logout: $e');
- 保存项目。
- 将目标设备连接到电脑,或者打开模拟器。
- 打开终端,在项目路径下执行以下命令在目标设备上运行示例项目:
flutter run
Shellflutter: publish success! message number:0
flutter: publish success! message number:1
flutter: publish success! message number:2
flutter: publish success! message number:3 - 复制项目,在 IDE 上打开,编辑
保存后按照上述步骤运行第二个进程,观察终端上的输出,你收到类型以下信息:Shellflutter: recieved a message from channel: getting-started, channel type : RtmChannelType.message
flutter: message content: message number : 0, custome type: PlainText
flutter: recieved a message from channel: getting-started, channel type : RtmChannelType.message
flutter: message content: message number : 1, custome type: PlainText
至此,你已经成功集成并正确使用了 RTM 服务。
- 创建并初始化 RTM 对象。
- 添加
事件监听函数。 - 调用
登录了 RTM 服务。 - 调用
订阅了一个 Message Channel。 - 调用
发送消息。 - 调用
取消订阅一个 Message Channel。 - 调用
登出 RTM 系统。
现在,你已经学会了如何使用 RTM Flutter SDK 来实现 Message Channel 的收发消息功能。下一步,你可以通过 SDK 的 API 参考了解更多功能的使用方法。