Topic 是 Stream Channel 中的数据流管理机制。用户可以在 Stream Channel 中利用此特性进行数据流的订阅、分发、事件通知等。
Topic 只存在于 Stream Channel。所以用户在使用相关特性之前,需要先创建一个 AgoraRtmStreamChannel
想要了解 Topic 的更多特性,可以查看:
加入 Topic 的目的在于注册成为该 Topic 的消息发布者之一,从而让用户具备发送消息的能力。是否执行该操作都不影响该用户是否成为该 Topic 的订阅者。
- 当前 RTM 支持单客户端在同一个 Stream Channel 中同时加入 8 个 Topic。
- 在执行此操作之前,用户需要首先创建
成功加入 Topic 后,订阅该 Topic 并添加事件监听的用户会收到 remoteJoinTopic
类型的 didReceiveTopicEvent
你可以通过以下方式调用 joinTopic
_ topic: String,
option: AgoraRtmJoinTopicOption?
) async -> (AgoraRtmCommonResponse?, AgoraRtmErrorInfo?)
_ topic: String,
option: AgoraRtmJoinTopicOption?,
completion completionBlock: AgoraRtmOperationBlock? = nil
参数 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 描述 |
topic | String | 必填 | - | Topic 名称。 |
option | AgoraRtmJoinTopicOption | 选填 | - | 加入 Topic 选项。 |
completion | AgoraRtmOperationBlock | 选填 | - | 调用结果回调:
属性 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 描述 |
qos | AgoraRtmMessageQos | 选填 | .ordered | 定义此 Topic 中传输数据是否保序。详见 AgoraRtmMessageQos 。 |
priority | AgoraRtmMessagePriority | 选填 | .normal | 定义此 Topic 中传输数据的优先级(相比于同频道中的其他 Topic)。详见 AgoraRtmMessagePriority 。 |
meta | String | 选填 | - | 加入 Topic 时携带的其他辅助信息。 |
syncWithMedia | Bool | 选填 | false | 此 Topic 中发送的数据是否与共频道的 RTC 音视频数据流实现数据同步(时间戳对齐)。 |
// async-await
let topic = "exampleTopic"
let joinOption = AgoraRtmJoinTopicOption()
joinOption.priority = .high
joinOption.syncWithMedia = false
let (response, error) = await stChannel.joinTopic(topic, option: joinOption)
if let errorInfo = error {
// Handle error
print("Failed to join topic with error: \(errorInfo.reason)")
} else if let joinTopicResponse = response {
// Handle success
print("Successfully joined topic.")
} else {
// Handle unknown error
print("Unknown error occurred while joining the topic.")
// callback
let topic = "exampleTopic"
let joinOption = AgoraRtmJoinTopicOption()
joinOption.priority = .high
joinOption.syncWithMedia = false
stChannel.joinTopic(topic, option: joinOption) { (response, error) in
if let errorInfo = error {
// Handle error
print("Failed to join topic with error: \(errorInfo.reason)")
} else if let joinTopicResponse = response {
// Handle success
print("Successfully joined topic.")
} else {
// Handle unknown error
print("Unknown error occurred while joining the topic.")
方法用于向 Topic 发送消息,频道中订阅此 Topic 及此消息发布者的用户会在 100 毫秒内收到此消息。调用 publishTopicMessage
方法需要用户首先加入 Stream Channel 并且通过调用 joinTopic
方法注册成为该 Topic 的消息发布者。
用户发送的消息在传输的过程中会被 TLS 加密,数据链路加密默认开启且无法关闭。用户也可以在出初始化的时候开启端侧加密,以获得更高的数据安全等级,详见初始配置。
你可以通过以下方式调用 publishTopicMessage
[1/2] 和 publishTopicMessage
[2/2] 方法:
topic: String,
message: String,
option options: AgoraRtmTopicMessageOptions?
) async -> (AgoraRtmCommonResponse?, AgoraRtmErrorInfo?)SwiftpublishTopicMessage(
topic: String,
message: String,
option options: AgoraRtmTopicMessageOptions?,
completion completionBlock: AgoraRtmOperationBlock? = nil
) -
topic: String,
ata: Data,
option options: AgoraRtmTopicMessageOptions?
) async -> (AgoraRtmCommonResponse?, AgoraRtmErrorInfo?)SwiftpublishTopicMessage(
topic: String,
data: Data,
option options: AgoraRtmTopicMessageOptions?,
completion completionBlock: AgoraRtmOperationBlock? = nil
参数 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 描述 |
topic | String | 必填 | - | Topic 名称。 |
message | String | 必填 | - | 在 publishTopicMessage [1/2] 方法中发布 String 型消息负载。 |
data | Data | 必填 | - | 在 publishTopicMessage [2/2] 方法中发布 Byte 型消息负载。 |
options | AgoraRtmTopicMessageOptions | 选填 | - | 消息选项。 |
completion | AgoraRtmOperationBlock | 选填 | - | 调用结果回调:
属性 | 类型 | 是否必填 | 默认值 | 描述 |
sendTs | UInt64 | 选填 | 0 | 消息发送时间戳。只有在 joinTopic 中设置 syncWithMedia = true 时,该参数才有效,SDK 会根据此时间戳与 RTC 音视频数据流进行数据同步。 |
customType | String | 必填 | - | 用户自定义字段。仅支持 NSString 型。 |
示例 1:向指定频道发送 String 消息
// async-await
let topic = "exampleTopic"
let message = "Hello, Agora!"
let messageOptions = AgoraRtmTopicMessageOptions()
messageOption.customType = "PlainText"
let (response, error) = await stChannel.publishTopicMessage(
topic: topic,
message: message,
option: messageOptions
if let errorInfo = error {
// Handle error
print("Failed to publish message with error: \(errorInfo.reason)")
} else if let publishResponse = response {
// Handle success
print("Message published successfully.")
} else {
// Handle unknown error
print("Unknown error occurred while publishing the message.")
// callback
let topic = "exampleTopic"
let message = "Hello, Agora!"
let messageOptions = AgoraRtmTopicMessageOptions()
messageOption.customType = "PlainText"
topic: topic,
message: message,
option: messageOptions
) { (response, error) in
if let errorInfo = error {
// Handle error
print("Failed to publish message with error: \(errorInfo.reason)")
} else if let publishResponse = response {
// Handle success
print("Message published successfully.")
} else {
// Handle unknown error
print("Unknown error occurred while publishing the message.")
示例 2:向指定频道发送 Byte 消息
// async-await
let topic = "exampleTopic"
let messageOptions = AgoraRtmTopicMessageOptions()
messageOption.customType = "BinaryData"
let byteArray: [UInt8] = [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03]
let binaryData = Data(byteArray)
let (response, error) = await stChannel.publishTopicMessage(
topic: topic,
ata: binaryData,
option: messageOptions
if let errorInfo = error {
// Handle error
print("Failed to publish binary data with error: \(errorInfo.reason)")
} else if let publishResponse = response {
// Handle success
print("Binary data published successfully.")
} else {
// Handle unknown error
print("Unknown error occurred while publishing the binary data.")
// callback
let topic = "exampleTopic"
let messageOptions = AgoraRtmTopicMessageOptions()
messageOption.customType = "BinaryData"
let byteArray: [UInt8] = [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03]
let binaryData = Data(byteArray)
topic: topic,
ata: binaryData,
option: messageOptions
) { (response, error) in
if let errorInfo = error {
// Handle error
print("Failed to publish binary data with error: \(errorInfo.reason)")
} else if let publishResponse = response {
// Handle success
print("Binary data published successfully.")
} else {
// Handle unknown error
print("Unknown error occurred while publishing the binary data.")
当你不再需要向某个 Topic 发布消息,你可以调用 leaveTopic
方法取消注册为该 Topic 的消息发布者,从而释放资源。该方法不影响你是否订阅该 Topic,也不影响其他用户对该 Topic 的任何操作。
成功调用该方法后,订阅该频道并开启事件监听的用户会收到 remoteLeaveTopic
类型的 didReceiveTopicEvent
你可以通过以下方式调用 leaveTopic
_ topic: String
) async -> (AgoraRtmCommonResponse?, AgoraRtmErrorInfo?)
_ topic: String,
completion completionBlock: AgoraRtmOperationBlock? = nil
参数 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 描述 |
topic | String | 必填 | - | Topic 名称。 |
completion | AgoraRtmOperationBlock | 选填 | - | 调用结果回调:
// async-await
let topic = "exampleTopic"
let (response, error) = await stChannel.leaveTopic(topic)
if let errorInfo = error {
// Handle error
print("Failed to leave topic with error: \(errorInfo.reason)")
} else if let leaveTopicResponse = response {
// Handle success
print("Successfully left topic.")
} else {
// Handle unknown error
print("Unknown error occurred while leaving the topic.")
// callback
let topic = "exampleTopic"
stChannel.leaveTopic(topic) { (response, error) in
if let errorInfo = error {
// Handle error
print("Failed to leave topic with error: \(errorInfo.reason)")
} else if let leaveTopicResponse = response {
// Handle success
print("Successfully left topic.")
} else {
// Handle unknown error
print("Unknown error occurred while leaving the topic.")
加入频道后,你可以调用 subscribeTopic
方法订阅该频道中 Topic 的消息发布者。
为增量方法。例如,第一次调用该方法时,订阅消息发布者列表为 [UserA, UserB]
,第二次调用该方法时,订阅消息发布者列表为 [UserB, UserC]
,则最后成功订阅的结果是 [UserA, UserB, UserC]
同一个用户在同一个频道中最多只能同时订阅 50 个 Topic,且每个 Topic 中最多只能订阅 64 个消息发布者。详见 API 使用限制。
你可以通过以下方式调用 subscribeTopic
_ topic: String,
option: AgoraRtmTopicOption?
) async -> (AgoraRtmTopicSubscriptionResponse?, AgoraRtmErrorInfo?)
_ topic: String,
option: AgoraRtmTopicOption?,
completion completionBlock: AgoraRtmTopicSubscriptionBlock? = nil
参数 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 描述 |
topic | String | 必填 | - | Topic 名称。 |
option | AgoraRtmTopicOption | 选填 | - | 订阅 Topic 选项。 |
completion | AgoraRtmTopicSubscriptionBlock | 选填 | - | 调用结果回调:
属性 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 描述 |
users | [String] | 选填 | - | 需要订阅的消息发布者(Publisher)的 UserId 列表,如果不设置,则默认随机订阅不超过 64 个用户。 |
属性 | 类型 | 描述 |
succeedUsers | [String] | 订阅成功的用户列表。 |
failedUsers | [String] | 订阅失败的用户列表。 |
示例 1:订阅 Topic 中指定的消息发布者
// async-await
let topic = "exampleTopic"
let topicOption = AgoraRtmTopicOption() // Optional, configure if needed
topicOption.users = ["user1", "user2"] // Specify users to subscribe to
let (response, error) = await stChannel.subscribeTopic(topic, option: topicOption)
if let errorInfo = error {
// Handle error
print("Failed to subscribe to topic with error: \(errorInfo.reason)")
} else if let subscriptionResponse = response {
// Handle success
print("Successfully subscribed to topic.")
} else {
// Handle unknown error
print("Unknown error occurred while subscribing to the topic.")
// callback
let topic = "exampleTopic"
let topicOption = AgoraRtmTopicOption() // Optional
topicOption.users = ["user1", "user2"] // Specify users to subscribe to
stChannel.subscribeTopic(topic, option: topicOption) { (response, error) in
if let errorInfo = error {
// Handle error
print("Failed to subscribe to topic with error: \(errorInfo.reason)")
} else if let subscriptionResponse = response {
// Handle success
print("Successfully subscribed to topic.")
} else {
// Handle unknown error
print("Unknown error occurred while subscribing to the topic.")
示例 2:随机订阅 Topic 中的 64 个消息发布者
// async-await
let topic = "exampleTopic"
let (response, error) = await stChannel.subscribeTopic(topic, option: nil)
if let errorInfo = error {
// Handle error
print("Failed to subscribe to topic with error: \(errorInfo.reason)")
} else if let subscriptionResponse = response {
// Handle success
print("Successfully subscribed to topic.")
} else {
// Handle unknown error
print("Unknown error occurred while subscribing to the topic.")
// callback
let topic = "exampleTopic"
stChannel.subscribeTopic(topic, option: nil) { (response, error) in
if let errorInfo = error {
// Handle error
print("Failed to subscribe to topic with error: \(errorInfo.reason)")
} else if let subscriptionResponse = response {
// Handle success
print("Successfully subscribed to topic.")
} else {
// Handle unknown error
print("Unknown error occurred while subscribing to the topic.")
如果你对某个 Topic 不再感兴趣,或者不再需要订阅 Topic 中的一个或多个消息发布者,你可以调用 unsubscribeTopic
方法取消订阅该 Topic 或取消订阅该 Topic 中指定的消息发布者。
你可以通过以下方式调用 unsubscribeTopic
_ topic: String,
option: AgoraRtmTopicOption?
) async -> (AgoraRtmCommonResponse?, AgoraRtmErrorInfo?)
_ topic: String,
option: AgoraRtmTopicOption?,
completion completionBlock: AgoraRtmOperationBlock? = nil
参数 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 描述 |
topic | String | 必填 | - | Topic 名称。 |
options | AgoraRtmTopicOption | 选填 | - | 取消订阅 Topic 选项。 |
completion | AgoraRtmOperationBlock | 选填 | - | 调用结果回调:
属性 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 描述 |
users | [String] | 选填 | - | 需要取消订阅的消息发布者(Publisher)的 UserId 列表,如果不设置,则默认随机取消订阅不超过 64 个用户。 |
示例 1:取消订阅 Topic 中指定的消息发布者
// async-await
let topic = "exampleTopic"
let topicOption = AgoraRtmTopicOption()
// Set specific users to unsubscribe from if needed
topicOption.users = ["user1", "user2"]
let (response, error) = await stChannel.unsubscribeTopic(topic, option: topicOption)
if let errorInfo = error {
// Handle error
print("Failed to unsubscribe from topic with error: \(errorInfo.reason)")
} else if let unsubscribeResponse = response {
// Handle success
print("Successfully unsubscribed from topic with specified options.")
} else {
// Handle unknown error
print("Unknown error occurred while unsubscribing from the topic.")
// callback
let topic = "exampleTopic"
let topicOption = AgoraRtmTopicOption()
// Set specific users to unsubscribe from if needed
topicOption.users = ["user1", "user2"]
stChannel.unsubscribeTopic(topic, option: topicOption) { (response, error) in
if let errorInfo = error {
// Handle error
print("Failed to unsubscribe from topic with error: \(errorInfo.reason)")
} else if let unsubscribeResponse = response {
// Handle success
print("Successfully unsubscribed from topic with specified options.")
} else {
// Handle unknown error
print("Unknown error occurred while unsubscribing from the topic.")
示例 2:随机取消订阅 Topic 中的 64 个消息发布者
// async-await
let topic = "exampleTopic"
// Unsubscribing without options
let (response, error) = await stChannel.unsubscribeTopic(topic, option: nil)
if let errorInfo = error {
// Handle error
print("Failed to unsubscribe from topic with error: \(errorInfo.reason)")
} else if let unsubscribeResponse = response {
// Handle success
print("Successfully unsubscribed from topic.")
} else {
// Handle unknown error
print("Unknown error occurred while unsubscribing from the topic.")
// callback
let topic = "exampleTopic"
// Unsubscribing without options
stChannel.unsubscribeTopic(topic, option: nil) { (response, error) in
if let errorInfo = error {
// Handle error
print("Failed to unsubscribe from topic with error: \(errorInfo.reason)")
} else if let unsubscribeResponse = response {
// Handle success
print("Successfully unsubscribed from topic.")
} else {
// Handle unknown error
print("Unknown error occurred while unsubscribing from the topic.")